
December Birthstone: TURQUOISE


Turquoise, a stone ranging in color from blue to green to yellow, is filled with wonderful patterns of brown and black that are composed mainly of copper deposits. Although turquoise has captivated man’s imagination for centuries, no one is sure exactly when it was discovered. Prehistoric people used and prized it for its blue-green colors because carved pieces have been found in burial and archeological sites spanning the globe.


Communication, Inspiration, Enthusiasm 


Turquoise is heralded as the stone of communication. It encourages enthusiasm, thus inspiring new projects and bringing to light undiscovered artistic abilities. Turquoise also provides understanding and encourages attention to detail while attracting prosperity and success.



By Leslie Francesca

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Leslie has always been active in the arts. Whether acting, singing, dancing, or designing, throughout her life Leslie has been engaged in artistic activities on a daily basis.

At the start of it all, Leslie worked at a local bead store in Berkeley, California. Surrounded by other enthusiasts, she quickly found her calling as a jewelry designer. She later attended the Gemological Institute of America in Los Angeles, then further specialized in a design program in Florence, Italy, where she combined her love of stone-work with more precious jewelry. After returning to the Bay Area she studied at the renowned Revere Academy in San Francisco.

After several years working for others in the fine jewelry world, Leslie felt it was time to move ahead with her own endeavors, and she now creates her own jewelry that is both elegant and vibrant, and can be worn by anyone.