
The Elements

Crystals and stones have been used in the arts of alchemy and magic for ages. Different stones are traditionally associated with different elements of nature. The traditional four elements in Western culture are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Earth represents practicality, stability, materialism, realism. Practical and dependable, earth signs provide […]


The Lure of the Shark Tooth

Symbol Wearing a shark tooth has long been espoused as a symbol of strength and potency. As a talisman to bring affluence and good fortune to the wearer’s life, it is believed to protect the individual. This species’ tooth is the totem symbol which confirms self-confidence, self-trust and momentum in life. Trend This trend first came to prominence […]


Show Me The Gold

At Leslie Francesca Designs, we combine both gold overlay with gold fill to ensure high quality pieces that last.  Gold Fill Gold-filled items have a thick layer of gold on them. These items use a gold alloy, which can be very strong depending on the karat of the gold that is used. The lower karats of […]


The Lure of the Arrowhead

The Native Way Native Americans have long believed that wearing a hand-carved arrowhead, as a talisman around your neck, was a symbol of protection, courage and strength. They also believed that the arrowhead protected them from illness and acted as a guard against the Evil Eye. It would deflect any negative energy, protect them from […]


Healing Stone: Chrysocolla

The Stone Chrysocolla is a carbonate copper gemstone. It’s alluring, vivid blue-green color and is often mistaken for turquoise because they share many visual similarities. It can often be found intermingled with malachite, turquoise and azurite, creating a wonderful mixed gemstone known as eilat stone. Legend has it that eilat stone was originally mined in King […]


Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan Salt Lamps For those of us who love crystals and stones and strongly believe in the characteristics they carry and the benefits they diffuse, we find it absolutely necessary to surround ourselves by the natural and positive energies that they give off. A particularly special and highly beneficial chunk of stone to have in […]